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                             Carcinogens Assignment

Carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance in living tissue. Several radioactive substances are considered carcinogens.

  Carcinogens do not cause cancer in every case, all the time. Some carcinogens do not affect DNA directly, but lead to cancer in other ways. They could cause cells to divide at a faster than normal rate, which may increase the chances that DNA changes will occur.

  The Environmental Protection Agency uses a rating system similar to that of others when describing the cancer-causing potential of a substance. Group A- Carcinogenic to humans, Group B- Likely to be carcinogenic to humans, Group C- Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential, Group D- Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential, Group E- Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans.





Working Against Tobacco

Smoking is not a drug problem is a myth of many, the truth is the nicotine found in a tobacco product is very addictive. Many people can get sick from nicotine and come down with nicotine poisoning. Most drugs are very addictive, a nicotine addiction has been compared to many other types of addictions. Whenever people stop using a drug they will start to have withdrawal symptoms, and most of the time certain things will trigger a craving for tobacco.

Only adults smoke cigarettes is a very wrong statement. There are many people that smoke as teens, some even start as small children. Most adult smokers started as teens, around sixty-eight percent of adult smokers started eighteen or younger. The most new drug users are teens and children, not most adults start using drugs unless they used them before then.

Once you are addicted to tobacco, there is no use in trying to quit using. The damage is done, this is very false and will almost never be correct. Once you are addicted to tobacco there is a reason to try to quit. If you stop using tobacco it could save your life. When you stop using it, it could keep you from coming down with emphysema or lung cancer, so some damage has been caused but if you stop using the product you can stop any more damage from causing. Besides when ever stop immediately after your body tries to repair itself, your breathing will start to improve and your blood pressure and pulse rate will go back to normal. Usually after a few years, most of your risks of when you used tobacco are very low.

Smoking helps my body relax is almost like saying my baby falls asleep easier whenever I give him/her a caffeine drink like Dr. Pepper. The tobacco in a cigarette speeds up your body and all of your movements. Smoking keeps your body busier than any other drug, mostly because most people smoke many cigarettes a day and because of how much tobacco is in them.

Smoking will help me lose weight or I will gain weight if I quit smoking, this is not always true. If you divide a whole by three you have 1/3 that gains weight after quitting, 1/3 that loses weight and 1/3 that stays the same. This just tells how everyone differentiates, and how people can pick up healthier habits. If you do gain weight than it is probably because you have health problems or you are not really trying. The tobacco will not definitely help you lose weight, the whole “you will lose weight” thing is just an ad to catch attention especially for women.

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