Current Events Assignment

The Topic of this is bullying, and wrongly trying to help people, and being a negative impact instead of a positive one.

 “Fat Shaming” Video, Nicole Arbor

  I found my article on the Fox News website.

Nicole Arbor (a female comedian, and choreographer/songwriter) posted a video called “Fat Shaming” about a week ago.  This backlash has seemed to cost her a job, and could have dangerous consequences.  Nicole choreographed OMI’s song Cheerleader’s music video, and had just got hired to choreograph the film,” Don’t talk to Irene,” whenever she posted this.

  The question for this piece is, what were Nicole’s consequences?  Some of Nicole’s consequences were, she got fired from film, she lost many fans, and she got fired from her gig she was just hired at to choreograph,” Don’t talk to Irene.” This affects me because I have family members that were very offended by this video, one of my family could have tried to hurt themselves if they did not just blow it off.  I also think that anyone who is offended by the video should just take into consideration she is just a youtuber comedian, that Nicole does not have the right to make them feel bad about themselves, and that if she wants to shame people into doing anything then she is a nobody because she has no right to shame anyone.

 This affects the world because many people everywhere kill themselves.  They kill themselves from being bullied or abused, for being too fat, to skinny, gay, and much more.  That is pretty much what Nicole Arbor was doing, she was bullying everyone who is fat.

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