Humans Of New York: Who I Would Pick…


“I had one friend, but he went to the next grade. To make a friend, you have to talk to them which can be very hard. Most of the time, when I try to talk to them, I fail. Everyone thinks I’m a geek. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. But just a defense lawyer. Because I’m much better at defending people than I am at accusing people. But I’d only want to defend kind people. You can tell if someone is kind by their aura. Plus, I’m smart. I know so many math facts. Ask me any math fact. Do you want a strategy for multiplying double digit numbers? If you want, I can teach you a strategy for multiplying double digit numbers.”                                                                                                        

I picked this post because after reading his story, it made me sad in parts and it brought out some anger inside of me, but he seems to be such a great child and that brought happiness to me. His kindness and attitude is so different from what most people would expect from someone that is bullied and teased. Luis is such a bright child, and he is so very smart, it just inspired me to be more kind and watch my attitude towards others!

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