The topic of this article is health risks.
Fidget for Your Life!
I got my article from
Many people have been dropping like flies in most offices now a days for sitting at their desks for too long. Turns out whenever you are very fidgety you have no health risks. If you sit for long periods of time it can shorten your life though.
The question for this piece is why sitting too much can kill you. It has now been called the new smoking, because of how it can affect the body over a long period of time. Sitting for long periods of time can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This affects me because many members of my family work in offices and sit at desks all-day, it would be devastating if I lost one of my family members to this.
This affects the world because people work in offices all around the world. It is not just something for americans or the United States of America, it can happen to anybody who sits at desks for long periods of time for their work.